Saturday, January 16, 2010

Creating Your Own Dirt

One of my favorite jokes is the one where the scientist tells God, "We are now as smart and powerful as you are. We have figured out how to create life out of dirt, just as you did. We'd like to challenge you to a 'creation' duel. If we can create a man out of dirt and give him life like you did, then we will be as powerful as you and you'll have to consider us gods equal to yourself."

God says, "Okay. Let's have a creation duel. You go first."

The man bends down, picks up a handful of dirt, but God stops him saying, "Wait. Hold on a second. First you have to create your own dirt."

Such a brilliant concept. We think so highly of ourselves. We think we're all that. We're equal to God. We can "create" or "invent" medicine; "discover" electricity; create life in a test-tube. But we, as "created" man, are using items that He created to discover, invent or create things.

Actually, I don't really have a problem with "discovery." That's probably the most accurate way to describe it. We "discover" what He put here for us to find. We discover serums or cures from plants and animals that He created for our healing.

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about medicine. Medicine is considered a science. Many (fortunately not all) medical professionals are unbelievers who think of themselves as gods.

Here's what's interesting: the "medicine" they create is a combination of the right plants, fruits, extracts, etc put in pill or liquid form to heal us. Doctors are using what God created for our healing - to heal us - and making a profit off of it.

We completely forget that ALL medicine is just refined plants, fruits and veggies. The doctors haven't "created" anything. They've just figured out which and how much to give us.

I actually love and respect doctors and scientists. But when they lose sight of who created the plants, veggies and fruits they use to perfect their craft, and think they're doing it on their own, I have a problem with that. It's the dirt theory all over again.

When the pharmaceutical companies make an unfair and grossly inflated profit off of us by selling us fruit, plants and veggies in pill form, I really don't like that. They're just benefiting from our lack of knowledge. We should all know which plants, fruits and veggies heal our ailments. Those old school remedies have a lot of merit.

There's a fantastic book called "Back to Eden" that gives a lot of natural remedies for things that ail us. We could start easily by looking up the medicines we take frequently, like let's say, Tylenol. What are the ingredients? What plants, fruit and veggies were used to create it? What if we just ate those?

Did you know that penicillin was originally discovered and produced from a moldy cantaloupe. Tobacco can be used as a pesticide. Opium, which comes from poppies, is used to create morphine. Of course, people pervert it to create heroin. But God created it to heal us, to give us anesthesia or pain relievers.

People used to live for hundreds of years. They understood how to stay healthy. They knew what to eat and drink. They knew which plants, fruit and vegetables would keep heal their ailments. They also knew that perverting plants, fruit and veggies for their personal pleasure - or just to get a high - would ultimately lead to their demise.

What do WE know? What are we willing to find out? Or are we content to be ignorant? Are we content to just let somebody else figure it out for us - charge us an arm and a leg - only to find out 1) we're allergic to the medicine (i.e. the fruit, plants and veggies it contains); 2) it doesn't work on us (because the docs didn't do their homework or did it wrong); or 3) we're now addicted to the meds - the fruits, plants and veggies created to heal us were, perhaps, perverted into an addictive substance.

It's interesting that doctors, as well as patients, look down their noses at "homeopathic" medicine specialists. But aren't all doctors using the same products to heal us? We just scoff because the homeopathic doctor says "eat some kale" and we wanted the "specialist" to just give us a magic pill (that contains kale but costs $100 for 20 pills).

Doctors are important. They study and specialize in (or should) determining which and how much of the plants, veggies and fruits will cure our ailments. It's not something we "can't" do. It's something we choose to let someone else do for us - but we should still have some basic knowledge.

It's like being a firefighter. There are people who specialize in that. But we should know some basics - like not to try to put out a grease fire with water.

Are doctors the miracle medicine men and women in your life? Or do you have a basic understanding of which God-created fruit, veggies and plants will help you feel better and keep you healthy?

Constantly Thinking

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