Monday, February 25, 2013

My Archangel Husband

So, I’ve decided my next (and last) husband is going to be an archangel.

I know, I know…you’re laughing, right?

That’s okay. Let me explain. I don’t mean a literal archangel, like Michael or Gabriel. They’re probably too busy for a wife, and far too old for me.

I mean a man with true archangel-type qualities. I recently realized that for me to fulfill my purpose, in love and in life, that’s what I’ll need. Therefore, that’s what God will provide. What could my purpose possibly be that would require an archangel? I know, right?! LOL. Well, God knows and so will my archangel husband-to-be.

What I can say is this…To truly know what and who you want and need, you have to know who you are. To know what’s truly best for you, you have to know your purpose.

Dr. Myles Munroe speaks on this a lot. If you don’t know the purpose of a thing, you’re destined to misuse it. That includes knowing your own purpose. Well, I know my purpose, and I’ve embraced it, so I know who I need. And my archangel husband…he knows his purpose, and he knows what type of woman he needs to fulfill it. Like all true love stories, we’ll know each other when we find each other. (I’m not out there looking for him, ladies. He’ll find me when God says it’s time. But I’ll know him when I see him!)

Let me tell you about my archangel husband and why I know he’s the one for me. (I just love talking about my man, by the way…)

Archangels are leaders. My archangel husband has to be a leader because I’m a leader. I don’t want a man that needs or wants me to lead him. I want a man who, after I get home from a hard but productive day of leading, says, “Relax, baby. I got this. I got you.” And, ladies, I don’t mean dinner – although my archangel can most likely cook. I mean I don’t have to come home and “run him.” I will run my house, because in my view that’s my responsibility and I embrace it. (FYI – to all you women who are bristling out there – running my house doesn’t mean I can’t have a housekeeper and a cook.)  My archangel husband won’t want or need me to come home and treat him like a baby. He’ll want me to treat him like a man and he’ll want to treat me like a woman – his woman. (unh unh unh!)

When we go out, my archangel husband will lead. Whenever we’re together, in fact, he will lead. I will be able to unstrap my “ladywood” because his...will be more than enough. He won’t be a bully or a tyrant, but a strong, confident man who has his woman’s back, and knows his woman has his back. Always. Unequivocally. Without question, without reserve, and without hesitation.

A true archangel knows what it means to have someone’s back. When Jesus was being arrested or attacked, he KNEW and said he could call on “legions of angels” if he wanted to. Archangels had Jesus’ back! That’s what I’m talking about! You know my baby’s going to have my back!

Archangels are leaders, but they’re also servants – serving at the pleasure of the Lord! (Oh that’s my man! That’s my man!!)

An archangel knows who he serves. He knows he doesn’t do anything by his own power, but by the power of the Lord.

Conversely, there’s a name for an archangel (or man) who thinks he’s doing it (or can do it) all on his own, by his own hand, by his own power – Lucifer. That’s not the type of angel or man I’m looking for.

My archangel husband will be powerful but humble at the same time. Only arrogant men need to boast of their accomplishments. True power, true confidence lets its work speak for itself. Archangels don’t need to one-up anyone. They don’t need to recite their achievements or wear them on their sleeve. They carry themselves with authority and humility. They have nothing to prove to anyone because they already know who they are! Yes!

I will have all faith and trust in my archangel husband because I will know completely and undeniably that he’s my protector and provider and supporter and my wonderful love-angel. Archangels understand and embrace the power of love. They’re not afraid of it. It’s their love for God and their understanding (and embracing) of His love for them that allows them to give and receive love freely! (Whoo! I love my archangel husband already!) People who know me know I love without reserve and my archangel husband will receive and return that love 100-fold.

My archangel husband will be made stronger because he’ll know he has the love of a good woman at all times. I’ll be made stronger by his love. We will be the perfect, power couple because our love will be our generator and our foundation.

Archangels are warriors. My archangel husband will have to be a warrior, because that’s who and what God has called me to be. My archangel husband not only won’t shrink away from battles, he’ll understand that I can’t and won’t either. He’ll know which battles I can handle on my own, which ones we need to fight side by side, and which ones he’ll have to stand in front of me and battle on my behalf. (Oh, I love my protective archangel husband to be!!)

Archangels don’t hesitate to fight for the side of right…which means they understand the difference between wrong and right. A man who can’t even conquer the wrong in his own life, is not an archangel-type. A true archangel-type man is not perfect – because no man is. But he self-corrects and seeks the Lord in areas where he may have challenges. He doesn’t deny wrongdoing or sin in his life. He faces it, admits it and then conquers it – with God’s help. That’s true archangel-type behavior.

An archangel is not trapped in bondage by sin and fear. He understands that truth and love are two of the most powerful weapons God has given us to fight with. He runs his life with those two things - truth and love.

My archangel husband is the same on the outside as he is on the inside. He’s not presenting one side to the world and another in private. A man who lies to himself and to others (or as scripture says, “looks in the mirror and immediately forgets what he looks like”) is not my archangel. My archangel husband is exactly who and what he presents himself to be! He is truthful to himself, to the world and to me, as I will be to him.

Speaking of truth, an archangel can be trusted with Godly things, worldly things, people – and with everything that concerns me…my spirit, my child, my family, my finances, my body, my mind and my heart. My archangel husband will be the spiritual head of our household.

A dear friend of mine questioned whether or not she should be looking for an archangel, as well. I told her not everyone needs one. It depends on your purpose. She jokingly responded, “Well, I don’t want a spiritual punk.” LOL – none of us want one of those. I assured her there are a lot of wonderful men in between a spiritual punk and an archangel.

In all honesty, I used to think I was going to have to marry a pastor, based on my purpose and calling. However, I realized (and told my friend) that pastors are not usually archangels, they’re usually more like Jesus – loving and merciful and gentle teachers. Archangels aren’t above Jesus, in fact, they do Jesus’ bidding. Pastors are usually assigned to shepherd a particular flock. For the most part, they have to remain stationary. Archangels, on the other hand, go wherever they’re called. They go where the battle is – which is what I’m called to do.

My archangel and I will be all over the world – sometimes literally, sometimes figuratively, through the areas of work and purpose to which I’m called (and presumably he will be, too). Our gifts and talents will be complementary. We’ll strengthen and support each other, working hand in hand…literally, figuratively and lovingly.

This may all seem unrealistic to some people reading my blog. That’s okay. It’s not unrealistic to my archangel husband-to-be.

God has already told me I’m going to remarry. He’s already told me that my next husband will be my last. He’s already told me that together my husband and I will fulfill our purposes. Me helping him, and him helping me. I don’t need anyone else to co-sign on that for me….except my archangel when the Lord introduces us!

But for you doubters, let me say this…there’s someone for everyone. I’ve seen the most unattractive people happy in love. I’ve seen the least intelligent people happy in love. I’ve seen blind and paralyzed people happy in love. Their spouses are uniquely qualified and designed just for them. They were made for each other.

I know who I am and I know my purpose. My archangel husband is uniquely qualified, designed by God, to be my partner. The bottom line is, if I exist, then so does he.

I’m looking so forward to meeting him!!

Constantly Thinking...about my archangel husband-to-be.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Life that Love Brings

What’s the big deal about love?

Well, let me tell you.

Love…true love…reciprocated love…makes all things better and brighter.

Having a bad day at work? Having a love to come home to makes it bearable.

Having a great day at work? Your true love is the first person you want to share it with.

Just completed a big project? Your sweet love is the one you want to celebrate with.

Facing a family crisis? Being in love helps you bond together (as one) to deal with the challenges, rather than fighting against each other.

When you have a disagreement, and every couple does (even “in love” couples), love makes you want to hurry up and finish arguing so you can get back to the business of being in love. It’s true…being in love makes arguments even more painful. But being in love also makes you work even harder to resolve your issues. The sweetest make-ups I ever had were with the men I loved most.

When you see a couple that doesn’t care whether they resolve their issues, you can bet…they’re no longer in love, if they ever were.

People who are in marriages or relationships of convenience are missing a vital, crucial part of life. Love is not just life-enhancing. It’s life-giving. Love is as necessary to life as is breathing. Without love, a part of you dies a little bit every day. I don’t mean the normal aging process kind of dying. A marriage without love will cause your heart and soul to die a little (or a lot) every day, which will kill the body faster than a fatal disease.  Marriages without love are just treading water…coasting. And to coast for any length of time, you have to be going downhill.

I’m speaking from experience, I have experienced true love! I know the amazing effect love has on my life. But you don’t have to take my word for it. Doctors have done studies proving that couples who are truly in love display the same type of brain activity as newly dating couples, regardless of how long they’ve been together. And we all know how it feels to be in a new relationship! It’s also been medically proven that people in love heal faster.

Love makes you want to stay in shape. Love makes you want to live longer because true love gives you something to live for.

Love makes life worth it. Love makes you glow…from the inside out. Love makes you smile in the middle of the day for no reason. Love makes your heart skip a beat with every little text and phone call. Love makes dinner dates the most romantic nights ever. Love gives movies and music meaning. Love gives you a sense of comfort every time you hear your sweetheart’s voice. Being truly loved makes you feel sexy. Being head over heels in love makes you feel like you have the most amazing secret in the world. 

Love…sweet love…safe love… makes you breathe easier.

Faith, hope and love…but the greatest of these is Love. I truly understand that.

Love is clearly and indisputably from God because...Love brings life.

And only God can create life. True love… life-giving, life affirming love… is straight from God.

And THAT’S the big deal about love!

Happy Valentine's Day to all the true lovers out there!  And a special Valentine's Day wish to my true love.