Saturday, December 12, 2015

My Favorite Christmas Memories

What are your favorite Christmas memories? Here are just a few of mine.

Tobogganing with my Dad and siblings, then coming home to drink hot chocolate and sing Christmas carols with the family, while my Mom played the piano. All-time favorite Christmas memory.

Spending Christmas with our God-family who was staying with us. The tree was filled with Christmas presents. Seeing the joy on the kids' faces was priceless.

Many of my recent favorite Christmas memories revolve around the Christmas productions I've been blessed to write, direct and produce. The behind-the-scenes stories are what create the unforgettable memories.

The Gift Giver - during our first run of this sweet play, we had auditions for the little ones who had to go see Santa. Every time they sat on our talented actor's lap, they completely forgot their scripted lines. When he asked them, "And what would you like for Christmas?" They'd respond with their actual Christmas list. It was sweet, precious and hilarious.

A Christmas Wish - during our second run of this touching production, our amazing lead actor was actually a former member of the military - similar to the role he was playing. He was scheduled to be in a wedding out of state for the final night of the production. We prayed for a miracle, and sure enough, circumstances shifted and he was able to stay for the full run of production. He brought his daughters to see the show and shared that the play made them even closer.

The first time we did Emmanuel - God With Us. The lives that were changed. The life-long friendships that were formed. My parents flew out for the show. Their lives were changed.

Starting the family tradition six years ago of flying to the East Coast to spend Christmas with one of my very best friends.

Christmas is and has always been a special time of year for me. I love the music, the decorations, the food, but especially the spirit of giving and time spent with family and friends.

I enjoy my Christmas memories from years' past, and I love creating new Christmas memories.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Getting Past the Butterfly Stage

Many people are under the mistaken impression that mutual love and affection either wanes or doesn't exist beyond the butterfly stage. That is absolutely untrue.

I have been in relationships for years - both with friends and romantic interests - where my affection, admiration and love for them is just as strong as it was when we first met. In some cases it's even stronger because I've had a chance to observe them as they handle challenging situations with wisdom, integrity and compassion.

The man who currently has my heart has demonstrated his strong character and integrity time and time again. My affection and admiration for him has already surpassed the butterfly stage. I've dealt with him at his best and at his worst. His character hasn't changed even in the most difficult of circumstances. Fortunately, the feelings are wonderfully mutual.

Butterfly feelings flit away. Butterflies enjoy the nectar then move on to the next flower. I've been involved with those men (and fair weather friends), as well. I've also probably been that butterfly myself, at times. Not anymore, though.

I'm attracting people with the kind of character you want to enjoy for a lifetime.

True love, admiration, and respect lasts forever.

Constantly Thinking...