Saturday, July 2, 2016

I Love You - That's Right, I Said It!

When you love someone, you have to let them know.

Whether it's your spouse or romantic interest, your child, your parent, your siblings or other family members, your friends, your employees, or your boss, if you truly love them, let them know.

People are gone from our lives in an instant. The regret you will feel from not sharing your heart will always outweigh and outlast the fear of rejection you may experience. Just say it!

I love deeply. It's a characteristic I'm most proud of, even though it's also my Achilles heel.

I'd rather die having loved deeply, with scars all over my heart, than live a life of always playing it safe and never loving or saying "I love you."

My obit will say:
Regardless of anything else she did - right or wrong - she sure knew how to love.

Constantly Thinking...and Loving

P.S. Just say it!