There are really only a few Christmas movie plots. They just change the characters, locales, and their field of work.
- A deceptive person (but, deceptive for "good" reason, of course), pretends to be someone else. The unsuspecting soul falls in love with the fake, then rejects them when they find out about the lie.
Resolution: They forgive the lie and get back together.
- Some random accident causes amnesia. Even though they don't know who they are, they fall in love, only to find out they already have a boo - who they didn't really love - but they still choose to go back to them.
Resolution: They dump the boo and get together with the new person.
- A sad soul no longer celebrates Christmas because of a loss. They meet someone who makes then re-think their bah humbug attitude, but then reject them.
Resolution: They realize Christmas is worth celebrating and decide to love again.
- A rich person who values only money and things finds themselves in a place where they're forced to live modestly during the holidays. They fall in love and seem to transform, but then choose their lavish lifestyle and head back to the big city.
Resolution: They realize their life is empty and return to the modest town and the love they found there.
- Conversely, a poor (or modest means) person ends up working for or serving a rich person (or royalty). While there, they fall in love with the rich, royal, single person (prince or princess) but the family rejects them for not being good enough and sends them away. Their love interest doesn't do enough to stop it.
Resolution: The rich person goes and gets their modest boo and they live happily ever after.
- To impress their inquisitive family, a single person fakes having a boo - no strings attached. There's drama when the family finds out, plus they've actually developed feelings for each other - but neither wants to vocalize it, so they break up.
Resolution: Somebody decides to be brave enough to share their feelings and they get back together. The family is thrilled.
Don't get me wrong, I will watch all these familiar plots during the holidays. I can't, however, tell you the names of most of them. And I can usually tell in the first 5 minutes which of the above plots it's going to be and how it's going to end up.
That's why many holiday movies outside of those re-used story-lines are more memorable:
- It's a Wonderful Life
- The Santa Clause
- A Christmas Story
- Miracle on 34th Street
- Elf
- Jingle Jangle
- Home Alone
- Die Hard
- Preacher's Wife
- The Polar Express
- Plus, Rudolph, Frosty, Charlie Brown Christmas, etc.
And even though While You Were Sleeping combines some of the plot lines above, it does it well.